How does Booster do all of this?

We do it through donations, memberships, employee matching programs, and most importantly VOLUNTEERS!!


How can I help?

Join the Boosters! We need Committee Chairs, Committee Members and Event Volunteers.

Committee Chairs oversee a specific aspect of the Boosters Club, attend monthly meetings and vote on how we spend funds.

Committee Members actively help plan fundraisers, events and teacher appreciation.

Volunteers help by giving their time at fundraising events like spirit nights, fall and spring festival, movie nights, awards ceremonies and more.


What’s new for this school year?

We are starting a new Boosters Membership program, this new program will help raise more funds for Boosters so we can do more. Which also means we need more volunteers. So as a BONUS all Committee Chairs will receive Level 4 membership and all Committee Members and active Volunteers will receive Level 2 Membership for FREE!!!


Still have more questions or want to Volunteer?

Email us at